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برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0

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مُساهمة من طرف رفعت عبد الكريم الخميس 5 أبريل - 18:25

السلام عليكم

برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور

Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0

برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Uwranhvsxg519k54irlr

Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 -- 9.29 Mb

Photo Background Remover will help remove unwanted background with a plurality of digital images at a time. Manual removal is carried out using two markers: red, which defines the scope of background removal; and green, which highlights not affected region.

Automatic background removal requires no manual settings - the program will clear the background yourself. It also provides protection through watermarks.

Remove busy background from digital pictures, cut and paste objects with ease! Photo Background Remover features automatic background detection with batch processing, smart object selection and smooth edges to ensure the object blends with its new background seamlessly.

No Jagged Edges

Jagged edges are a thing of the past with Photo Background Remover. Objects such as faces, people or photographed goods will be carefully selected, and their edges automatically smoothed to blend with the new background. Whether you paste that object into a new image or leave it on plain white, solid-color or textured background, the object will look natural and its edges will not appear pixelated.

Perfect Your Photos

You no longer need an expensive photo editing suite to turn your digital photos into masterpieces. SoftOrbits Photo Editor will tidy up your pictures by helping you select and remove unwanted objects, enhance photos automatically or under your supervision, sharpen up the details, leveling horizon and framing the picture just right. The tool is small and lightning fast. You'll be using it like a pro in no time, producing perfect shots one after another.

Automatic Background Removal

SoftOrbits Photo Editor is equipped with a fully featured toolbox of photo editing tools. With these easy tools, you can automatically fix small imperfections and correct the red eye effect, control brightness and contrast, adjust white balance, as well as frame, rotate, flip and frame pictures to achieve the best composition.

Sharing and Publishing Made Easy

Photo Background Remover is smart enough to tell what's background and what's the main object, so there will not be any need to circle your object with a pen. You can simply click anywhere in the picture to tell whether that object is something to keep or something to clear.

Manual Adjustments

Fully automatic background removal is great, but what if that picture has more than object to keep? You can guide Photo Background Remover to tell what's what. Simply mark objects you're keeping with a green marker, or mark areas to remove with a red one, and Photo Background Remover will apply its smart selection techniques to remove just the unwanted parts of the image.

Move Objects Around

Are you making a photo collage? With Photo Background Remover you can easily move objects between images. Thanks to the tool's smart masking technique, the objects you place will blend seamlessly with the new background with no jagged edges and no residual colors.

Batch Operation

Have a bunch of photos to process? Photo Background Remover is the only tool on the market to offer fully automated background removal for a bunch of pictures. In batch mode, picture background remover will automatically detect the main object, carefully select it and either clear the background or fill it with a solid color. Photo Background Remover is perfect when stocking up your online store or processing a bunch of pictures for badges or ID cards.

Optional Watermarking

Photo Background Remover can protect your work with an optional watermark. With watermarking enabled, you can place a custom image or text over your images with adjustable opacity




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برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 45544510
عدد المساهمات : 1485
التقييم : 9
العمر : 71
احترام قوانين المنتدى : برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Qyalp115


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مُساهمة من طرف nadija الخميس 5 أبريل - 19:27

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عدد المساهمات : 2579
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مُساهمة من طرف goboy الإثنين 9 أبريل - 20:52

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برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Morocc10
عدد المساهمات : 2073
التقييم : 0
العمر : 30
احترام قوانين المنتدى : برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Qyalp115


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مُساهمة من طرف goboy الإثنين 9 أبريل - 20:53

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برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Morocc10
عدد المساهمات : 2073
التقييم : 0
العمر : 30
احترام قوانين المنتدى : برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Qyalp115


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مُساهمة من طرف رفعت عبد الكريم الثلاثاء 10 أبريل - 10:43

اسف احبتي اسم المستخدم damas وكلمة المرور damas ثم نكتب في مربع البحث ((( برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور )))
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برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 45544510
عدد المساهمات : 1485
التقييم : 9
العمر : 71
احترام قوانين المنتدى : برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Qyalp115


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مُساهمة من طرف goboy الثلاثاء 10 أبريل - 17:11

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اسف احبتي اسم المستخدم damas وكلمة المرور damas ثم نكتب في مربع البحث ((( برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور )))

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برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Morocc10
عدد المساهمات : 2073
التقييم : 0
العمر : 30
احترام قوانين المنتدى : برنامج ازالة الخلفية من الصور Softorbits Photo Background Remover 2.0 Qyalp115


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